Friday, January 13, 2012

Working in the Internets

I work in the internets so, naturally, I googled "go halfsies" to see what kind of virtual company I keep and I found this amazing thing.

It's called Halfsies. It tries to get people to go halfsies for a great cause. And while it seems it didn't quite get off the ground, it's awesomely ambitious. I dig.

Here's the infographic:


Thursday, January 12, 2012

I love to split.

I love to split stuff. It's one of the only elements of my personality that's endured for quite some time now.

And I’ve been lucky enough to find someone else to be friends with forever and get married to who also likes this.

We both like to try the greatest number of things using the least amount of time/energy/cash/effort. (I'm gonna assume most people on the planet also like this, but FWIW.) All this trying and comparing means sometimes I/we think stuff about stuff. That thinking swirls around in my head, but I kind of wanted to put it somewhere.

So I’m gonna put it here.